Intro & Currant role

I'm Vicky, an editor, designer, and strategist based in the NYC area, with roots in Dallas, DC, and Shanghai. I started Currant in 2018 — you can read more about our origin story here. As the founder, I'm equal parts graphics editor and copywriter, business strategist and organizational designer, partnerships lead and audience analyst.


Other professional & personal commitments

I'm a full-time Content Strategist at NewtonX, a B2B research company. I'm also a writer-journalist, publishing on beats that revolve around food & health, marketing & media, thoughtful tech, and the business of creativity. I'm usually noodling on personal creative projects for my website and newsletter.

When I prefer to have meetings

Before 9am or after 5:30pm EST on weekdays.

Things I like working on

What makes work not feel like work?

Mini manual for working with me